EN ROUTE Questions
Despite sport sector has been recognised as labour-intensive sector, its innovation potential to boost employability still meets the following questions:
Skills shortage and mismatch. The highest number of graduates in Europe obtain a final qualification in the Physical Education field, while sport management and outdoor animation is only a small number. Moreover the mismatch between training and the jobs available in tourism appears to be much more responsible to impede innovation.
Life skills for profiles in sectors like sport (empathy, efficient communication, critical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, teamworking) is not enough integrated in the training pathways proposals in all Member States. A good balance between transversal skills and job-specific knowledge still remains a challenge.
The discrepancy between European skill levels and the uneven recognition of skills and qualification across Member States. This is especially more evident in the shortage skills’ recognition and validation of sport job profiles in National Catalogue of Occupational Standards. This gap continues to impede their career development and European mobility despite a strong demand for learning mobility in the sport sector

EN ROUTE Objectives
The project aims at:
Diffusing shared knowledge of skills profiles in sport and tourism sector promoting visibility as condition for validation and certification at European level
Improving entrepreneurial skills of people employed in sport sector for the development of new cross-sectoral professional profiles, with an improvement in the proactive attitude and in networking ability
Diffusing life and employability skills and linking them with inclusion and tolerance values, spreading strategies to involve young people with different ability and making opportunities for their easy participation in sport against any discrimination
Diffusing the awareness about the advantages for a more inclusive society, the spreading of innovation and intercultural value
Stimulating the definition of efficient approaches for the promotion of the territorial potential as well as of sustainable and accessible tourism
Supporting the definition of efficient approaches through the creation of new strategic networks among stakeholders, implementing permanent research activities for tourist services renewal
En Route Main Activities
The project implementation will include a first phase of research for mapping a common framework of validation of sport profile in outdoor field. Partnership will study and produce data and analysis for the elaboration of the guideline for a common framework, in addiction they will be responsible to supply all documents for quality assessment and reporting activities to leader partner as required by quality plan and to supervise team collaboration condition. During research activities the En Route trainers community will define a common methodology to propose learning approach for a new sport and tourism profile. In the second phase trainers and coaches will have a cross-cutting role, they will be involved in all the activities of the project. They will be responsible of the selection of participants and of teambuilding activities, training modules and the support of project works realisation by different transnational teams, providing the necessary support to participant groups and supporting the development of key entrepreneurial skills.

En Route Expected Results
Learning Outcomes Mapping for a common ECVET, EQF framework in outdoor profile and guidelines - download document
Trainers Toolkit Sport and Tourism learning methodology - download document
New Professional and cross-sectoral profile for sport and tourism
Proposal for innovative models for tourism promotion - download document